Fun color mixing activity for the book Mix It Up
Here is one of the activities that we did with the book Mix It Up that you can watch on our Youtube channel on Snacks & Stories 3 along with the book Bark George. This was such a fun activity to do with B while I read the book!
paint pallets (these are from the Dollar Tree)--you can also use an empty ice cream lid too
paintbrushes (we used q tips instead)
Mix It Up book by Herve/ Tulles or watch it on Snacks & Stories 3 on our Youtube channel
How To:
as you read the book have your child mix the colors
have your child guess what color she thinks it will make then two colors are mixed
ask your child to recall what colors they need to mix to make a certain color
Talk About It:
"What is green?"
"What is your favorite color?"
"What is your favorite color to make?"