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All Teaching Tots Things activities require adult supervision 

Flower Soup is an easy way to get an "extra" use out of flowers that are about to die.

What you need:

Flowers (or other nature materials-rocks, sticks. pinecones, grass)




Utensils for "cooking"

Below you will find some links to what we use all the time for our sensory soups/experiences.

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These buckets can stay on the table after the cover piece has been put on. I like to take the table down each time and store it in the closet since it is EASY set up.

Here are the scissors I like to use.

These scissors aren't sharp so if you are anxious about letting your child use scissors these might be your go to one's. They cut paper but won't cut hair (can I get an AMEN!) I don't use these ones very long as I like to get them using real scissors.

These loop scissors are fun to use and are perfect for little kids that are having trouble figuring out where their fingers go, but these are sharp so like always keep a close on them. I like these scissors a lot because the safety scissors can often become discouraging if you aren't holding the paper correctly it won't cut. (Paper strips work best to cut for beginners)

These are more expensive than your regular scissors but they are fun to use and your kids can use them forever. Definitely worth the splurge in my opinion.

These are the scissors I like to use for kids as they learn to use regular scissors. I like how these don't have a pointed tip. They are still sharp enough to cut various craft supplies but still safe enough for kids.


The earlier the better. Briella has been using scissors since she was 18months old. Of course, with lots of adult super vision and help. Since, I started her so you she caught on very quickly!


Sensory Bins

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