So I took a big step back from doing activities with the kids after school started because Briella kept telling me she already knew what she was learning at school….sorry kid that’s my bad 😬
This being her first year I didn’t want to start it off with her disliking it but now that she thinks she is learning things I’ll start doing a little bit more with her at home again 😍
Her first request was math because “a boy in her class knows how to add already like up to 1,000 I think he knows everyhting”😂
How to:
1. Cut out hearts and number them (1-5 would be perfect starting out then 1-10)
2. Put them all in a pile and flip over
3. Have your child draw two hearts
4. Build each number (different colors are a good visual)—love these cubes for fine motor practice too!
5. Count them up to get the total
*I did have Briella try to do it in her head or by using her fingers to see if she got the same answer before she built and counted them.
The dry erase board is from target a few years ago but you can easily use paper if you wanted to add the writing portion.